南非問候語有: 1)祝願式問候,如Good morning, Good afternoon, Good evening, Good day 等;
2)關心式問候,如How are you? How are you doing? How is your family? How is everything? How are you getting on? How are things? How are things going? Very well, thank you. And you? Quite well, thank you. What about you? Wonderful, thank you. How about you? Not too good, I’m afraid. Actually, it’s going from bad to worse(每況愈下). What about you?
3)交談式問候, Doing some running? It’s a fine day today, isn’t it? It’s terrible weather today.
4) 稱謂式問候,Hi, John! Hello, Mary. How do you do, Professor Smith? I am very glad to meet you.
南非問候語有: 1)祝願式問候,如Good morning, Good afternoon, Good evening, Good day 等;
2)關心式問候,如How are you? How are you doing? How is your family? How is everything? How are you getting on? How are things? How are things going? Very well, thank you. And you? Quite well, thank you. What about you? Wonderful, thank you. How about you? Not too good, I’m afraid. Actually, it’s going from bad to worse(每況愈下). What about you?
3)交談式問候, Doing some running? It’s a fine day today, isn’t it? It’s terrible weather today.
4) 稱謂式問候,Hi, John! Hello, Mary. How do you do, Professor Smith? I am very glad to meet you.
5) 稱讚式問候,You look very nice.
6) 體態式問候,如舉手致意,點頭致意,欠身致意,脫帽致意,微笑致意。