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    Charles是一個人名,意思是查爾斯。英 [tʃɑ:lz] 美 [tʃɑrlz] n.查爾斯(男子名,涵義:強壯的,男性的,高貴心靈的)例句:Charles"s letter was indeed published, albeit in a somewhat abbreviated form.儘管有所刪節,查爾斯的信確實被刊登出來了。 Charles is haunted by ghostly children. 孩子們的幽靈纏上了查爾斯。 "Don"t contradict your mother," was Charles"s sharp reprimand.“不要和你媽媽頂嘴,”查爾斯嚴厲地斥責道。 It distressed her that she and Charles no longer socialized with old friends. 她和查爾斯不再跟老朋友們來往,這讓她非常苦惱。 "She"s probably had a row with her boyfriend," Charles opined. “她大概跟男朋友吵架了,”查爾斯說道。 She had never had a real boyfriend before and so had no yardstick by which to compare Charles"s behaviour.她以前從沒有過真正的男朋友,所以沒有可參照的標準來對比查爾斯的行為。 Charles and Eddie are getting ready for their final run-through before the evening"srecording. 查爾斯和埃迪正在準備為晚上的錄音做最後的排練。

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