  • 1 # 90後的一員

    The three months of winter are the seasons when all life is latent and hidden. For example, grass and wood wither on the ground and their roots are hidden in the ground. Water freezes and the earth freezes into cracks. At this time, people should go to bed early and get up late and wake up with the sun. It shows that Tai Chi is feminine rather than masculine. It doesn"t work for meaningless things. The true qi is hidden inside. It is quiet and collected. It avoids cold and seeks warmth. In severe winter, inside chooses to lurk. This is the law of life. Don"t consume your body in this season. Violating winter"s confinement will damage the kidney, and there will be no energy and power for growth when spring comes. Animal World The hibernation of some animals in inside also reflects this truth.

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