  • 1 # dnrzi1584

    important: [ im"po:tənt ] adj. 重要的詞形變化: 副詞:importantly 例句與用法:

    1. She was clearly an important person. 她顯然是個有影響的人。

    2. It"s not as if he was very important in the company hierarchy. 他在公司的領導層中似乎無多大權力。

    3. It"s very important to teach the children about road safety. 把交通安全常識教給孩子們是非常重要的。

    4. Radio and television are important means of communication. 無線電和電視是重要的通訊手段。

    5. History chronicles important events of the past. 歷史記載歷代重要的事件。

    6. It is important that he not do it. 他不該做那事是有必要的。

    7. He has made an important contribution to the company"s success. 他對公司的成功作出了重要的貢獻。

    8. It was one of the most important discoveries ever made. 這是所做出的最重大的發現之一。

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