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    是這片嗎? 原文:What"s Cool?This week, I asked students about fashion. I showed each student six things and asked them about each thing. Some of their answers were interesting! Here are their likes and dislikes:Jack smith likes the key ring. Her friend jordan says he can"t stand the scarf."It"s for moms!"he said. William Jones loves the wallet,and his classmate Gina Taylor loves the watch. (Her best friend ann Rice doesn"t mind the watch,but she really likes the sunglasses!)Jerry Green also likes the sunglasses.And the coolest thing was the belt.Everyone loved it !譯文:什麼是酷?本週,我問學生關於時尚。我給每個學生的六件事,問他們關於每一件事情。他們的一些回答是有趣的!這裡是他們喜歡的和不喜歡的:傑克·史密斯喜歡鑰匙環。她的朋友喬丹說他不能忍受圍巾。“這是給媽媽!”他說。威廉·瓊斯喜歡錢包,和他的同學吉娜泰勒喜歡手錶。(她最好的朋友安妮賴斯不在乎手錶,但是她真的很喜歡太陽鏡!)傑瑞綠色也喜歡太陽鏡。而最酷的事情是帶。每個人都愛它!

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