  • 1 # 擇善者為友

    I Want to Be a Leader

    It is my great dream to be a leader when I grow up .Why? Because today"s world is still facing many serious problems, such as, hunger, wars, diseases ,droughts, earthquakes and so on. So we need an more effective, more kind-hearted leader who has better management skills to solve those problems.

    When I am a leader, I will do the following things to change today"s situations.

    First , I will work even harder for my people, for my country. Serving for my people will be my aim.

    Second, I will unite all people as possibly as I can. I will respect knowledge and respect competent people.

    Third, I will focus on caring for people"s well-being. I will set up a special group to deal with development oriented poverty alliviation.

    Fourth, I will clean my government for the people. I promise that I will make my own incomes public regularly.

    The leadership authority belongs to the people. I think only the people "s oversight can prevent the government from being lax in its duties.

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