  • 1 # 月兒彎彎星光閃

    1、初次見面,問候語是:"How do you do?″,答語也是"How do you do!" 2、經常見面的熟人之間,問候語是"HelIo,how are you?",答語是"Ⅰam fine,thank you。and you?",回答″Ⅰam fine too." 3偶爾碰面的熟人,打招呼用″Nice to meet you!",答語是″Nice to meet you too"。

  • 2 # 暗香如舊



    A:Hello! 你好

    B:Hello! 你好

    A: good morning! 早上好

    B: good morning! 早上好

    A: How are you? 你好嗎

    A: How are you doing? 你好嗎

    B: I"m fine, or I"m doing fine. 我很好


    A: Hi 嘿

    B: Hi 嘿

    A: What"s up? 出什麼事了?

    B: Nothing or It"s ok 沒事或者都挺好的。

    A: How are things? 情況如何?

    B: Everything is ok 一切都好

    A: How have you been? 你最近好嗎?

    B: I"ve been fine or not bad 我很好或者還算不錯

    A: How"s your day? 你今天過得怎麼樣?

    B: It"s fine or too bad 挺好的或者太糟糕了

  • 3 # Wanderer萬娘娘



    - How are you? - Fine, thanks.

    - What’s the weather like today ?- It’s not pleasant. It seems as if it’s going to snow.

    - What about playing chess?- That’s a good idea.

    - Would you like a cup of tea?- Thanks. Just a glass of water, please.

    - Do you like reading?- Yes. I, do. I like reading very much.

    - How about you?- Me , too.

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