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    (Mark Twain l835~1910)

      American writers.The given name fills the erroneous you · bright Herrn · Klemens.Mark · Twain is its pen name.Is born in a Mississippi river bank small town Hannibal"s village poor attorney the family, goes out since childhood acknowledges as teacher the apprentice.Has worked as the type-setter, Mississippi river sailors, south the armed forces soldiers, but also has managed the lumber industry, the mining industry and the publishing industry, but the effective work is works as reporter and writing humorous literature.

      Mark · Twain is the US critical realism literature founder, world renowned short story master.He has experienced US from “freely” the capitalism to the imperialism developing process, its thought and the creation also displays for from teases the pungent satire to arrive the pessimism and misanthropy development phase again livelily.

      His early creation, like the short story "Elects Governor (1870), "Elder brother You Smith"s Friend To go abr

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