  • 1 # 小馬菌群

    If you must know, I feel terrible.如果你一定要知道的話,我感覺糟透了。

    Actually I"m a bit under the weather.實際上我有點不舒服.

    I"m hanging on.還活著。

    Been better.不太理想。

    Mustn"t grumble.沒什麼好抱怨的。

    Can"t complain.沒什麼好抱怨的。

    Not bad.還不錯。


    Fair to middling.還過得去。

    I"m better than I deserve.挺好!

    I"m OK and you?挺好,你呢?

    Fine, thank you for asking.很好,感謝關心。

    Fit as a fiddle.很健康。

    Right as rain.一切順利!

    I"m much better now that you are here.你來了之後,我好多了。

    Better than ever.好得不能再好了。

    I"m great, feeling on top of the world.我很好,非常高興。

    Never felt better.再好不過了。

    I feel like a million bucks.我感覺棒極了!

    I"m just wonderful!我覺得好極了!

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  • 義大利三大著名歌劇家?