  • 1 # soiye571

    融資計劃Supplementary Financing Program;Financing Plan;Financial plans;例句:與此同時,許多內地公司紛紛宣佈了融資計劃。 At the same time a number of mainland companies have announced fund-raising plans. 那麼,如果您還沒有再融資計劃,那麼你就可以無視它。 Well, if you do not have anymore plans of loaning then you can disregard it.這一趨勢引人注目,因為它表明信貸緊縮已開始影響公司的融資計劃,不只是高槓杆領域,也影響到主流投資級別領域。 The trend is striking since it shows that the credit crunch is starting to affect the financing plans of companies, not just in the highly leveraged sector but in the mainstream investment grade arena as well.

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