《一閃一閃亮晶晶》,又稱《小星星》,是一首相當著名的英國兒歌,旋律出自於法國民謠《啊!媽媽,我要告訴你》,有好幾個國家用不同的語言歌唱過。在我們中國就有那首“ 一閃一閃亮晶晶,滿天都是小星星”。 原版歌詞及權威翻譯 為彌補中國小朋友無緣原版歌詞的遺憾,童話作家王雨然親自操刀,翻譯出了目前最權威的《小星星》 《Twinkle Twinkle Little Star》 Twinkle, twinkle, little star 一閃一閃小星星 How I wonder what you are 究竟何物現奇景 Up above the world so high 遠浮於世煙雲外 Like a diamond in the sky 似若鑽石夜空明 When the blazing sun is gone 烈陽燃盡宙合靜 When he nothing shines upon 旭日不再星河清 Then you show your little light 晶晶靈靈掛夜空 Twinkle, twinkle, all the night 一閃一閃總不停 Then the traveller in the dark 漂泊遊子夜中停 Thanks you for your tiny spark 淺淡火光伴你行 He could not see which way to go 漫漫長夜路何尋 If you did not twinkle so 若無星斑亮瑩瑩 In the dark blue sky you keep 深藍夜空你身影 And often through my curtains peep 時常窺過我簾屏 For you never shut your eye 從未合上你眼睛 Till the sun is in the sky 直到太陽又現形 As your bright and tiny spark 因你聰伶淺光領 Lights the traveller in the dark 照亮遊子夜中行 Though I know not what you are 我仍不懂你何物 Twinkle, twinkle, little star 一閃一閃小星星
《一閃一閃亮晶晶》,又稱《小星星》,是一首相當著名的英國兒歌,旋律出自於法國民謠《啊!媽媽,我要告訴你》,有好幾個國家用不同的語言歌唱過。在我們中國就有那首“ 一閃一閃亮晶晶,滿天都是小星星”。 原版歌詞及權威翻譯 為彌補中國小朋友無緣原版歌詞的遺憾,童話作家王雨然親自操刀,翻譯出了目前最權威的《小星星》 《Twinkle Twinkle Little Star》 Twinkle, twinkle, little star 一閃一閃小星星 How I wonder what you are 究竟何物現奇景 Up above the world so high 遠浮於世煙雲外 Like a diamond in the sky 似若鑽石夜空明 When the blazing sun is gone 烈陽燃盡宙合靜 When he nothing shines upon 旭日不再星河清 Then you show your little light 晶晶靈靈掛夜空 Twinkle, twinkle, all the night 一閃一閃總不停 Then the traveller in the dark 漂泊遊子夜中停 Thanks you for your tiny spark 淺淡火光伴你行 He could not see which way to go 漫漫長夜路何尋 If you did not twinkle so 若無星斑亮瑩瑩 In the dark blue sky you keep 深藍夜空你身影 And often through my curtains peep 時常窺過我簾屏 For you never shut your eye 從未合上你眼睛 Till the sun is in the sky 直到太陽又現形 As your bright and tiny spark 因你聰伶淺光領 Lights the traveller in the dark 照亮遊子夜中行 Though I know not what you are 我仍不懂你何物 Twinkle, twinkle, little star 一閃一閃小星星