  • 1 # demon路西法

    如:She came up with a new suggestion to solve the problem as well.她也提出了一種解決這個問題的新建議.We have to come up with the practical measures to prevent the air pollution.我們必須找到防止空氣汙染的切實可行的辦法.It"s wonderful for you to come up with such a good idea.你能想出這麼一個好主意真是太棒了!▲come up with可作“趕上”“追上”解.如:He"s come up with his classmates ahead of him,after months of patient diligence.經過幾個月堅持不懈的努力,他趕上了在他前面的同學.The policeman handcuffed the robber,when he had come up with him.那個警察追上劫匪,給他戴上了手銬.注:使用come up with短語時,注意區分它和come up,come up to,come upon等短語的區別.如:Your position has come up.你的職位提高了.Almost all of the seeds have come up after a few days of sowing.幾乎所有的種子播下幾天之後都發芽了.He came up to Beijing days ago;and he will work there as a visiting professor for half a month in Beijing University.他於幾天前來到北京,將在北京大學作半個月的客座教授.I know why you came up to me so quickly.我知道你來這兒如此快的原因.I came upon a country fellow in the street the day before last.前天,我在街上碰到了一位老鄉.e.g.For years he kept coming up with new and good ideas.幾年來他不斷地提出新的、好的想法.比較:come up to達到(願望,標準等),趕(比)得上e.g.Your work didn’t come up to what I expected of you.你的工作沒有達到我的期望.His work didn’t come up to that of his brother.他的工作趕不上他哥哥的.come up for參加(競選)e.g.Mayor Jones comes up for election this fall.瓊斯市長參加今年秋天的競選.

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