  • 1 # 使用者8650943568396

    My dream is to be an explorer.

      It"s exciting to explore new things and define your own foundings.

      I want to go to the highest mountain, I want to go to the deepest sea, and I want to walk through the most dangerous forest, to explore this world, and find out what I am living for.

      Although it will be dangerous, although it will be full of setbacks and hardships, I stick to my goal, conqure all the difficulties, and move on.

      I believe I will find my own treasure, although it"s not the real jewellary or gold.

      It will my the rich life experience of me. Who has ever been to Africa? Especially Congo, the most dangerous part in the world?

      I can be proud enough to say that I have been there and stayed there for some time. And I survived. If you have never been there, you will never know the real beauty of it.

      I like my dream. Hope it will be realized one day.

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