  • 1 # 脈絡膜哦裡咯

    paragliding讀音:英 [ˈpærəglaɪdɪŋ] n.滑翔傘運動例句1、Do you know why I started learning paragliding? 知道為什麼我開始學習滑翔傘了嗎?2、Today, we are going to introduce you to a paragliding instructor. 現在,我們就為您介紹一位投身於滑翔事業的滑翔傘教練&孟祥禎。3、When I was still in the air, I decided I will take part in paragliding. 當我還在空中時,我就決定投身滑翔了。4、So I like teaching paragliding. 我喜愛教滑翔。5、We went paragliding in Phuket. 我們去普吉島玩滑翔傘。擴充套件資料:paraglider英 [ˈpærəglaɪdə(r)] 美 [ˈpærəˌ��laɪdɚ] noun1、滑翔傘 a structure consisting of a big thin piece of cloth like a parachute , and a harness which is attached to a person when they jump from a plane or a high place in the sport of paragliding2、滑翔傘運動員 a person who does paragliding例句1、They set a new world record for the flying height of the powered paraglider. 他們創造了動力滑翔傘飛行高度新的世界紀錄。2、Some enterprising computer programmers have written paraglider design programs that can be purchased by any company or individual. 有些精幹的電腦程式設計師寫了滑翔傘設計的程式,能夠由任何一家公司或個人購買。3、This occurs at one angle of attack for the same wing loading of a paraglider. 這種情形會發生於飛行傘的翼負載相當於攻角時。

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