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      您好!在《獅子王》裡,“阿庫拉瑪塔塔”原文就是“ Hakuna Matata! ”,下一句歌詞就是“ what a wonderful phrase ”,譯成中文就是“真是很有意思 ”,我給您原曲的全部歌詞吧--   《 Hakuna matata 》   - lion king   hakuna matata!   what a wonderful phrase   hakuna matata!   ain"t no passing craze   it means no worries   for the rest of your days   it"s our problem-free philosophy   hakuna matata!   when he was a young warthog   when i was a young warthog   he found his aroma lacked a certain appeal   he could clear the savannah after every meal   i"m a sensitive soul though i seem thick-skinned   and it hurt that my friends never stood downwind   and, oh, the shame   "thoughta changin" my name   and i got downhearted   ev"rytime that i...   it means no worries   for the rest of your days   it"s our problem-free philosophy   hakuna matata!   it means no worries   for the rest of your days   it"s our problem-free philosophy   hakuna matata!   中文翻譯如下--   Hakuna Matata!   真是很有意思   Hakuna Matata!   簡單又好記   從現在開始   你不必再擔心   不必像從前   聽天由命   Hakuna Matata!   啊,當他是隻小山豬   當我是隻小山豬   很好!   謝啦!   看他好象美麗十足,   風度翩翩   看來看去好象缺少一些東西   雖然我長得醜,   可是很溫柔   我終於,發現我沒辦法,   出人頭地!   哎呀,真丟臉 (太丟臉嘍)   我想過改名字 (哦,改什麼名字啊?)   後來終於放棄 (為什麼呢?)   每次我想……   嘿,彭彭,不要在小孩面前……   啊,對不起   Hakuna Matata!   真是很有意思   Hakuna Matata!   簡單容易記   從現在開始   沒有煩惱憂慮   好!唱下去!   不必像從前   聽天由命   Hakuna Matata! Hakuna Matata! Hakuna Matata! Hakuna Matata!   。。。希望您滿意。。。

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