  • 1 # 使用者6996340209137


    讀音:英 [ˈrɪŋə] 美 [ˈrɪŋər]


    1、n. 套環,投環;按鈴者;敲鐘者

    2、n. (Ringer)人名;(英、德、匈、瑞典)林格


    1、Put it on your computer, or add it to your ringer, but own it.放進電腦裡或加到手機鈴聲裡,但關鍵是,要擁有它。

    2、Asking yourself where you last saw the phone and praying that its ringer is not set to silent.你會責問自己最後一次是在哪裡看見手機,還祈禱手機的鈴聲沒有設為靜音模式。

    3、The bartender shook my bottle of ale in front of me like a Swiss bell-ringer so it foamed inside the green glass.酒保在我面前搖著麥芽酒,就像是一名瑞士樂手在搖動手鈴,綠色的酒瓶裡晃出了許多泡沫。

    4、At least they both have a hardware switch to silence the ringer.但至少他們都有一個靜音的硬體開關。

    5、The solar system’s innermost planet may look like a dead ringer for Earth’s moon, but the scientists getting the closest look ever at Mercury want you to know one thing: Mercury is not the moon.太陽系的最內層的行星像極了地球的衛星月亮。 科學家們對水星進行了有史以來最深入的探索,向人們揭示了事實真相,指出水星和月亮大有不同。

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