  • 1 # 別人都叫我知識小王子

    (1)作時間或原因狀語,通常位於句子前面。例如:Hearing the knock on the door, they stopped talking.(=When they heard...)聽見有人敲門,他們停止了談話。Asked to work overtime that evening, I missed a wonderful film. (As I was asked to...)由於那天晚上被要求加班,我錯過了一場精彩的電影。(2)作方式、陪襯或結果狀語,通常位於句末。例如:They stood there waiting for thebus. (and were waiting.) 他們站在那兒等公共汽車。The bandits fled into the mountains, pursuedby the policemen. (and were pursued...) 匪徒向山裡逃竄,警察在後面追捕著。The hunters fired, wounding oneof the wolves. (and wounded one of the wolves)獵人開了槍,擊傷了那群狼中的一隻。現在分詞作時間狀語,一般表示進行,主動(動作的執行者是句子的主語)過去分詞作時間狀語,一般表示被動(句子的主語是動作的承受者)

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