  • 1 # 楊同學1N7Y

    從前有一個牧民,養了幾十只羊,白天放牧,晚上趕進一個用柴草和木樁等物圍起來的羊圈內。Once upon a time, there was a herdsman who raised dozens of sheep and herded them by day and drove them into a sheepfold surrounded by firewood, grass and wooden stakes at night.

    一天早晨,這個牧民去放羊,發現羊少了一隻,原來羊圈破了個窟窿,夜間有狼從窟窿裡鑽了進來,把一隻羊叼走了。One morning, the herdsman went to look after the sheep and found that one of the sheep was missing. A hole had been broken in the sheepfold.

    鄰居勸告他說: 趕快把羊圈修一修,堵上那個窟窿吧。The neighbor advised him to repair the sheepfold and plug up the hole.

    他說:“羊已經丟了,還去修羊圈幹什麼呢?”沒有接受鄰居的好心勸告。He said: the sheep has been lost, but also to repair the sheepfold why? He didn"t take his neighbor"s good advice.

    第二天早上,他去放羊,發現又少了一隻羊。原來狼又從窟窿裡鑽進羊圈,又叼走了一隻羊。The next morning, he went to look after the sheep. He found another sheep missing.

    這位牧民很後悔沒有認直接受鄰居的勸告,去及時採取補救措施。於是,他趕緊堵上那個窟窿,又從整體進行加固,把羊圈修得牢牢實實的。The herdsman regretted that he had not been directly advised by his neighbors to take remedial measures in a timely manner. Therefore, he quickly plugged up the hole and reinforced the sheepfold as a whole.

    從此,這個牧民的羊就再也沒有被野狼叼走過了。 From then on, the herdsman"s sheep was no longer diao by the Wolf.

    牧民的故事告訴我們:犯了錯誤,遭到挫折,這是常見的現象。只要能認真吸取教訓,及時採取補救措施,就可以避免繼續犯錯誤,遭受更大的損失。 Herdsmen"s story tells us that: mistakes, setbacks, this is a common phenomenon. As long as we can learn from our mistakes carefully and take remedial measures in time, we can avoid further mistakes and greater losses.

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