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    在一個句子中,主語(或主詞)(英語:Subject)是必要的句子元素 (Sentence element) 。它也是句子兩大部分之一;另一部分是謂語或(受詞) (Predicate)。主語是句子元素,不要與文法上詞性混淆。作主語的詞:名詞,代詞,名詞化了的動詞,形容詞,分詞,副詞或數詞等,動詞不定式或不定式短語, 從句,某些固定片語的第二格。摺疊名詞作主語直到河裡的魚死了,村民們才意識到汙染的危害。The villagers didn"t realize how serious the pollution was until the fish in the river died.S+ V t +O. 主謂賓結構 :S+V倒裝:Not until the fish in the river died did the villagers realize how serious the pollution was.注意:倒裝在主句,從句不倒裝 /did 和not 提前,只剩動詞原形強調:It was not until the fish died in the river that the villagers realized how serious the pollution was.如果強調的是主語或賓語且指人用who,其他一律用that,是that,而非其他/主句的順序((倒裝不強調,強調就不倒裝))摺疊代詞作主語人稱代詞(主格),名詞性代詞,指示代詞,不定代詞,such(----樣的人、物),it(時間,天氣,距離等)

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