  • 1 # 大侃裝修

    among, between, amid, amongst


    among 指三者或三者同類事物間

    between 指兩者間現代英語指三者或三者表示彼間清楚獨立體關係

  • 2 # 沐子林林

    among, between, amid, amongst


    among 指三者或三者同類事物間

    between 指兩者間現代英語指三者或三者表示彼間清楚獨立體關係

    among 

    〔誤〕 If the three apples are divided among the two boys how much will each receive?

    〔〕 If the three apples are divided among the three boys how much will each receive?

    〔析〕 among用於三事物或物間between則用於兩者間

    1)between般指兩者間among用於三或三或物或籠統群或些物表示……間例:①Between the door and the windows there is a map.門窗戶間張圖

    ②What"s the difference between the two words?


    ④They divided the money among(或 between) themselves.自錢(注:用amongthey至少三;用between, they兩)

    【注意】我說between you and me能說 between you and Ibetween介詞

    2)between用指三或三或物每兩間三或三名詞用and連線前面用between用among例:①Near the cemetery, between the trees, there is something shining, perhaps bayonets. 墓附近樹叢間東西閃閃發亮能刺刀②There does not seem much difference between the three of them.


    3)among用表示比較範圍=one of與高階連用例:①Yokohama is among(= one of) the largest seaports in the Far East.橫濱遠東港口

    般說among 用於三者或三者…間f其賓語通表示籠統數量或具複數(或集合()意義名詞或代詞;between 主要指兩者間其賓語往往表示兩者名詞或代詞或者由 and 連線兩或物: They hid themselves among the trees. 躲樹林There was a fight between the two boys. 兩孩打架I’m usually free between Tuesday and Thursday. 我通星期二與星期四間空【注】列情況between 用於三者:(1) 兩或物用 and 連線:between A, B and C A、B、C 間(2) 涉及事物間區別或各間關係:the difference between the three of them 三者間區別the relations between various countries 各間關係(3) 表示由於…合作結:Between them they landed the fish. 協力魚拖岸(4) divide, share 等表示享類詞若接表示三者或三者複數名詞用 among between 均:He divided his money among [between] his five sons.

  • 中秋節和大豐收的關聯?
  • 怎樣透過報考指南來填志願?