  • 1 # 手機使用者86357592554

    德國:Germany ["dʒɜːmənɪ] 名詞


    Germany borders on France.德國與法國接壤。The new Nazism is resurging in some places in Germany.新納粹主義正在德國的一些地方復活。The news aroused much fear in Germany. 這訊息在德國引起很大恐慌。It is manufactured in Germany.這是德國製造的。All but one of the deaths and the majority of those infected have been in Germany.但除一人以外的所有死亡案例,以及大多數感染病例都發生在德國。德華人:German ["dʒɜːmən] 名詞例句:Americans of German extraction德國血統的美華人He is German.他是德華人。But I remember an anecdote I once heard from one of my German friends. Shortly after theunification, an Ossie and a Weissie meet in Berlin.但我記得從一個德國朋友那裡聽來的這樣一件軼事:統一後不久,一個東德人與一個西德人在柏林相遇。What then happens if that German citizen travels to Spain? 那如果這個德華人到西班牙旅遊了怎麼辦?Mere hatred of everything German, instead of the particular ideas which now dominate theGermans is, moreover, very dangerous, because it blinds those who indulge in it against a realthreat.再者,如果仇恨德華人的一切,而不仇恨如今支配德華人的那種特定觀念,那是非常危險的,因為它使那些沉溺之中的人看不到真正的威脅。

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