  • 1 # fmotm3347

    ambulance chasing 是俚語,字面意思是追逐救護車。追逐救護車而不能救治病人,因此引申為“勞而無獲”、“於事無補”(俚語)。如:But for a perishing fishing industry, ambulance-chasing lawyers, it is a golden opportunity. 然而對於當地瀕死的漁業以及自身難保的律師們,此次“災難”卻是個發財的難得機會。ambulance chaser 指專辦交通事故損害賠償等的律師;拼命拉官司的律師;引申為慫恿索賠、唯利是圖的律師。Don"t trust him. He"s an ambulance chaser. 不要相信他,他是個唯利是圖的人。ambulance chasing 是俚語,追逐救護車而不能救治病人,引申為“勞而無獲”、“於事無補”。Ambulance-chasing lawyer 指損害補償的律師。Almost every carmaker has had to contend with recalls and ambulance-chasing lawyers, but in a place as litigious as America the reputational damage can be severe. 幾乎所有汽車製造商都不得不與召回事件以及緊追救護車尋找例證的律師苦苦抗爭,但在美國這個盛行訴訟的地方,對名譽的損害其後果極為嚴重。

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