  • 1 # Lili892


    I really hate to ask but I’m short of cash at the moment. 我本不想開口,但是我現在手頭有點緊 Can you lend me some money? 你能借點錢給我嗎? What? 什麼? Honestly I’m flat broke. 老實說,我快破產了。 Can you help me out? 能幫幫我嗎? I’ll pay you back next week! 我下星期就還你! I promise! 我保證!

    Sure no problem! 當然 沒問題!

    Terrific ! 太好了! Listen I really appreciate it!

    Hey don’t mention it! 嘿 別放在心上! Thank you so much! 真是太感謝了!

    I really owe you! 我欠你的!

    二、單詞: Cash 現金/ terrific 太好了/ owe 欠/ pay back 還/


    I really hate to ask, but …. 我本不想開口, 但….

    I really hate to ask, but could you give me a lift into town? 我本不想開口, 但你能讓我搭車去城裡嗎?

    I really hate to ask, but can you help me with my lessons? 我本不想開口, 但人能輔導一下我的功課嗎?

    Be short of …. 缺 ….

    We are short of cash. 我們缺少現金.

    They can’t complete the work today because they are short of time. 他們沒法把工作做好,因為時間不夠.

    Can you loan me some money? 你能借給我點錢嗎?

    I really owe you! 我欠你的!

    He still owes me $50. I really owe you for helping me. 我欠你很多(情).

    I owe my teacher. 我深深感激我的老師. Honestly , … 老實說,…

    Be flat broke 破產

    Could you lend me $10? 你能借給我10美元嗎?

    I’m flat broke. 我快破產了.

    Don’t mention it. 別放在心上.

    Thank you so much. Don’t mention it. 十分感謝. 別放在心上.

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