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      中文名稱:老橡樹上的黃絲帶  外文名稱:Tie A Yellow Ribbon Round The Old Oak Tree  所屬專輯:Soft & Wicked/Come To Where The Love Is  發行時間:1970S  歌曲原唱:Tony Orlando & Dawn  歌詞(翻譯):  I"m coming home, I"ve done my time  我的刑期已滿,正要趕回家  Now I"ve got to know what is and isn"t mine  我必須知道有哪些東西還屬於我  If you received my letter  若你收到了我的信  Telling you I"d soon be free  告訴你我將重獲自由  Then you"ll know just what to do  那麼,你知道該怎麼做  If you still want me, if you still want me  如果你還要我的話  Tie a yellow ribbon around the old oak tree  在老橡樹上繫條黃絲帶  It"s been three long years  漫長的三年過去了  Do you still want me  你還要我嗎?  If I don"t see a ribbon around the old oak tree  如果我看見老橡樹上沒有系黃絲帶的話  I"ll stay on the bus, forget about us  我會留在巴士上,忘了我倆的過去  Put the blame on me  責怪我自己  If I don"t see a yellow ribbon around the old oak tree  如果我看見老橡樹上沒有系黃絲帶的話  Bus driver, please look for me  司機先生,請幫我看一下  Cause I couldn"t bear to see what I might see  因為我無法承受即將看到的  I"m really still in prison  我其實仍在監牢  And my love she holds the key  只有吾愛握有鑰匙  Simple yellow ribbon what I need to set me free  我需要的僅是黃絲帶,即可將我釋放  I"ve wrote and told her please  我已寫信告訴過她  Now the whole damn bus is cheering  現在,整車的乘客都在歡呼  And I can"t believe I see  我無法相信我所看到的--------  A hundred yellow ribbons around the old oak tree  老橡樹上掛滿了上百條的黃絲帶!

  • 中秋節和大豐收的關聯?
  • 推拉門貼的藍色塑膠膜撕不掉怎麼辦?