  • 1 # 藍風24

    Only you,只想

    I wanna be in love with you.只想與你相愛

    I don"t wanna get over you.不想失去你。

    I want you here.只想你在我身邊

    Me and you,和你相比

    Maybe I"m no good for you.可能我不那麼優秀

    Alter strain the line from you.才變著法躲開你。

    Can"t you see?你還感覺不到嗎?

    Summer is coming to a close. 夏天要悄悄離去。

    Dreaming"s over once again. 夢也隨之再次醒來。

    It"s still quiet in this town. 小城還是如此恬靜。

    I know where things to end.我知道故事就這樣結束了。

    And I……我...

    I"m not to see 我再也見不到你了。

    Only you,只有你

    I wanna make pround of you.我覺得自己會讓你有自豪感。

    Is that how I get over you?這難道是我失去你的原因?

    Set you free.讓你離開了我。

    Broke into 心已經破碎。

    moving onto ??? you.(MOVING ONTO TEARS ON YOU)為你我流乾了眼淚。

    I know I"ll smile on you.我知道我應該對你微微一笑。

    Clear on me 裝作什麼都沒有發生。

    Summer is coming to a close. 夏天要悄悄離去。

    Dreaming"s over once again. 夢也隨之再次醒來。

    It"s still quiet in this town. 小城還是如此恬靜。

    I know where things to end.我知道故事就這樣結束了。

    And I……我...

    I"m not to see you 我在也見不到你了

    Think again.左思右想

    I know that I"m losing you.我知道我失去了你。

    I know that I"m losing you.我知道我再也無法與你相遇。

    Think again. 痛苦的回想

    But I don"t wanna get over you.我真的不想失去你。

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