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    一、 介詞until

    作介詞的until 的英文解釋是up to a specified time (直到某一時刻)或up to the time of a specified event (直到發生某事).但注意觀察下列句子,我們還可留意到until 在具體運用中的細微之處.

    1. 用於肯定句中:

    1) It may last until Friday. 這可能要延續到星期五.

    2) He will be working until 5 o"clock. 他將一直工作到五點鐘.

    3) She was a bank clerk until the war, when she trained as a nurse. 她戰前是個銀行職員,戰時受訓當了護士.

    不難看出until 用於肯定句中,表示句子的動作一直持續到until短語所表示的時間為止,即表示動作的終點.一般可譯為“直到……時(為止)”或“在……以前”.在這種用法中,句子的謂語動詞必須是持續動詞(非瞬間動詞),如live, wait , last, love, like, stay, work, continue 等.

    2. 用於否定句中:

    1) The secret was never told until after the old man"s death. 這個秘密在老人去世後才說出來.

    2) Don"t open it until your birthday. 等到你過生日那天再開啟.

    3) She didn"t sleep until eight. 她八點鐘才睡覺.

    不難看出until用於否定句中,表示句子的動作直到until短語所表示的時間才開始發生,即表示動作的起點.一般譯為“直到……才”或“直到……之前(……還不)” .

    二、 連詞until

    以同樣的方式分析作連詞的until的用法.作連詞用的until的英文釋義是up to the time when(直到……時為止).

    1. 用於肯定句中:

    1) Heat can be conducted from a hot body to a cooler one until both are at the same temperature.熱可以從一個熱的物體傳到一個較冷的物體,直到兩者溫度相同為止.

    2) Continue in this direction until you see a sign. 一直朝著這個方向走就會看見指示牌了.

    3) He ran until he was breathless. 他一直跑到氣喘吁吁才停下.

    不難看出,作連詞的until用於肯定句中,表示主句的動作一直持續到從句動作發生或狀態出現時為止.一般可譯為“……直到……為止”.在這種用法中,主句的謂語動詞必須是持續動詞(非瞬間動詞),如live, wait , last, love, like, stay, work, continue 等.

    2. 用於否定句中:

    1) I hadn"t realized she was foreign until she spoke. 她不說話我還一直不知道她是個外華人.

    2) I won"t stop shouting until you let me go. 你不放我,我就一直喊叫.

    3) Among the great mathematicians there are about as many who showed mathematical talents in childhood as there are those who showed none at all until they are older. 在偉大的數學家中,童年就顯露數學才華的人和直到相當年齡才顯露才華的人差不多一樣多.


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