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    Beauty and the beast: A prince was cursed, and turned into a beast. However, Bell, a beautiful and kind young lady, fell in love with the beast, and their true love broke the magic. They then lived happily ever after.

    Sleeping Beauty: Rose, the princess was cursed to sleep at her 18th birthday by a wicked witch. Prince Philips fought the dragon and saved the princess. The magic was broke as they kissed, and they lived happily ever after.

    Little Red Riding Hood: A little girl went to visit her grandma, who had been eaten by a wolf. The wolf pretended to be the old woman and ate the little girl, too. Later, a hunter came by, let the people out of wolf"s stomach, and filled in stones instead.

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  • “所有人都是自私的,和愛人吵架找的理由也都是為自己,即使包容對方但還可能翻舊賬”,這個觀念對嗎?為什麼?