  • 1 # 考研東住佛小仙女

    本篇文章的主題是家長在購置房產時是否該考慮孩子的意見,然後給出了各方對此間題的意見。題目要求為準確將各方意見進行選擇概括。 答案是ADCGF

    41.選擇A remaks that sgnificant moves may pose callenges to cildren

    題幹考察Ryan Hooper的觀點,迴文定位Ryan Hooper這個人說的話,共兩句,很多同學容易根據第一句話(第四段)誤選D選項。仔細觀察D選項,原文第四段說的是應該給孩子a sense of control and owneship, D選項說的是a sense of involvement,屬於愉換概念,因此排除;再看Ryan Hooper說的第二句話(第五段) ,根據第二句話,得出A 選項是Ryan Hooper觀點的等價代換,其中sinificant moves對應草文中的sgnificant moves,pose callenges to children就等於原文中的dhildren may face serious difiultiese故此題選A。


    題幹考察Adum Bailey的觀點,迴文定位Ryan Hooper這個人說的話在第七段,第八段。其實這兩句話意思幾乎一致,為同義復現,第七段中的should fe like they arechoosing their home等同於第八段中..will make them make thedecision- making process, D選項中的involvement對應原文中的bcing included, in homebuyingdecisions對應原文的in the decision-making process.故此題選擇D。


    根據人名"Tracy Hampson"定位至第十段,“Spcaking with your children beforeyou make a decision is wise, but I wouldn" t base the purchasing decision solely on theiropinions. "這句話中的wouldn" tbase the purchasing decision solely on their opinions 是shouldnot be bascd only on children" s opinions的同義改寫。

    44、選擇G (assumes that many children" s views on real estate are ..

    定位Aaron Norris,在原文第十一段,往前看他的觀點The other isue is tat..o.HGTV shows句意為很多孩子對房地產的知識基於HGTV的節目,再看下一段(也是AaronNorris的觀點),HGTV has.. changed how pcople vicw real st..首先HGTV shows為G選項中media的同義替換,其次view real estate三詞均可在選項和原文中找到對應,最後選項中ifluenced對應文中的changed,所以正答為G。

    45、選擇F (believes that homebuying decisions shouldbe based on ....

    本題問的是Julie Guner的觀點。定位至文章倒數第二、三段。倒數三段中說到parents need to ranind their children that their needs and dsies.在此提出了父母要向孩子說明needs需求以及desires慾望這兩方面而緊接著倒數二段中直接又提到their opinions canchange toow.能夠確定JG這人對於opinions持否定態度正好對應到F選項中的ratherthan their opinions.因此確定F選項為正確答案。

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