  • 1 # 餘歡喜20

    hometown feelings原文及翻譯如下:

    hometown feelings原文:

    Nowdays, every year there are millions of people from the countryside cities looking for work, Zhong Wei is one of them. In the past 13 years, he has lived in Wenzhou, he works in a crayon factory. He said that he used to return at least once a year, but now too busy, so that he hasn‘t been back for almost three years. He thinks that‘s a shame,but he just don‘t have the time .Many people with great interest to know what"s in their hometown of change, there might be a new big hospitals and new road, the government has built many new schools and sent many of teachers to teach from the cities.Zhong Wei added: "I noticed that "s true of my hometown." "in my time since the middle of the 20th century, the old elementary school learn to read. I"ve heard they"re going to a new school there." Zhong Wei thinks this development is good and he also knows that Zhong Wei added: "I noticed that "s true of myhometown." "in my since the middle of the 20th century, the old elementary school learn to read. I"ve heard they"re going to a new school there." Zhong Wei thinks this development is good and he also knows that his hometown can‘t always stay the same.•By Zhong Wei we know, some things won"t change, they can bring us many happy childhood memories


    家鄉的感覺有些人仍住在老家,然而其他人可能每年只回家一兩次。如今數以百萬計的華人離開農村到城市尋找工作。鍾偉就是其中之一,他是46歲的丈夫和父親,他居住在溫州13年了,由於蠟筆廠艱苦的工作,他找不到很多時間回去看望家鄉。“我過去常常至少一年回去一次,但現在我將近有三年沒有回家了。這很羞愧,但我只是沒有時間。”他說。許多人像鍾偉一樣以極大的興趣關注著他們家鄉的變化。 也許大醫院和新的道路出現了,在很多地方政府也建造學校並派遣一些來自城市的教師去支教。“我注意到我的家鄉是這樣的。”鍾偉繼續說道。“自從20世紀中期以來,在我舅小學的學生們開始學習解讀和數數。但是現在的那個建築很舊了。我聽說他們將要在這裡建一個新的學校。” 鍾偉認為這樣的發展是好的,他也知道他的家鄉不能總是保持不變。然而,在鍾偉看來有些事情永遠不會改變。“在我的家鄉,有一棵大的老樹在學校的對面。他依舊在那裡,並且完全變成了那個地方的象徵。在我那個年代,大多數的孩子喜歡一起在大樹下玩耍。特別是在暑假。這真是個快樂的童年。我們的家鄉在我們心中留下了許多柔軟甜蜜的回憶。

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