note 英[nəʊt] 美[noʊt] n. 筆記; 音符; 便箋; 鈔票; vt. 注意; 記錄; 指出; 對…加註釋; [例句]Stevens wrote him a note asking him to come to his apartment史蒂文斯給他寫了張便條,請他去自己的公寓。Since Mr Bennett was going to need some time off work, he asked for a sick note因為貝內特先生要請假一段時間,他請醫生開了病假條。They exchange traveller"s cheques at a different rate from notes. 他們兌換旅行支票時依據的匯率跟兌換現鈔時不同。She has a deep voice and doesn"t even try for the high notes 她嗓音低沉,從沒試過高音。There is an unmistakable note of nostalgia in his voice when he looks back on the early years of the family business 他回憶早些年的家族生意時,無疑是帶著一種懷舊的語氣的。Yesterday"s testimony began on a note of passionate but civilized disagreement昨天的作供是在激烈但文明地表達分歧的氛圍中開始的。The White House has noted his promise to support any attack that was designed to enforce the UN resolutions 白宮已經注意到他承諾支援所有旨在貫徹聯合國決議的打擊。Note the statue to Sallustio Bandini, a prominent Sienese 請看這座薩盧斯蒂奧·班迪尼的雕像,他是一位傑出的錫耶納人。
note 英[nəʊt] 美[noʊt] n. 筆記; 音符; 便箋; 鈔票; vt. 注意; 記錄; 指出; 對…加註釋; [例句]Stevens wrote him a note asking him to come to his apartment史蒂文斯給他寫了張便條,請他去自己的公寓。Since Mr Bennett was going to need some time off work, he asked for a sick note因為貝內特先生要請假一段時間,他請醫生開了病假條。They exchange traveller"s cheques at a different rate from notes. 他們兌換旅行支票時依據的匯率跟兌換現鈔時不同。She has a deep voice and doesn"t even try for the high notes 她嗓音低沉,從沒試過高音。There is an unmistakable note of nostalgia in his voice when he looks back on the early years of the family business 他回憶早些年的家族生意時,無疑是帶著一種懷舊的語氣的。Yesterday"s testimony began on a note of passionate but civilized disagreement昨天的作供是在激烈但文明地表達分歧的氛圍中開始的。The White House has noted his promise to support any attack that was designed to enforce the UN resolutions 白宮已經注意到他承諾支援所有旨在貫徹聯合國決議的打擊。Note the statue to Sallustio Bandini, a prominent Sienese 請看這座薩盧斯蒂奧·班迪尼的雕像,他是一位傑出的錫耶納人。