  • 1 # 冷楓32267653

    Mohandas Gandhi was born in India in the year of 1869.He is one of India"s greatest leader to help India gain its independence from British rule.Gandhi went to London,England to study law and after his graduation,he went to Africa to work.While he was there,he saw how unjust the laws were as they discriminated against the black.He organised demonstrations there and was imprisoned a few times.

    After twenty years in Africa,Gandhi returned to India.He sympathised with the masses and did a lot of favour to help the poors.He dreamed of independence for India which was still under British rule.He believed in non-violence and refused to cooperate with the British.He organised peaceful protests.He and his supporters sat on roads and in front of trains at station to protest against British rule.

    Gandhi was also saddened by widespread battles between Hindus and Muslim-Indians and he worked hard to solve the problem.However,when India finally won its independence from Britian in 1947,it was partitioned into two nations,India and Pakistan.It was the best solution to end the on-going conflict between the two religions.

    In 1948,a year after the independence,Gandhi was assassinated by a betrayer.India lost a true patriot.Mohandas Gandhi was a great man for his courage,dedication and perseverance.

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