  • 1 # Jzdmoon雜燴

    貴族中東復古黑花蜜蠟(購於2017年)關於貴 族 蜜 蠟、中東蜜蠟,其實它是原產自臺灣的一種塑膠仿製品,顏色特別豐富,名字也千奇百變。比如什麼南非蜜蠟、金絲蜜蠟、冰絲雪山蜜蠟等等;其實中東不是蜜蠟產地,是中東阿拉伯國家自古喜歡蜜蠟,當成裝飾品佩戴,甚至在古代他們用蜜蠟作為貨幣流通,可以買東西。因此,今天國內市場上的大部分古董級老蜜蠟,主要來自中東國家。About noble honey wax, Middle Eastern honey wax, in fact, it is a plastic imitation originating from Taiwan, the color is particularly rich, the name is also very varied. For example, South African honey wax, gold silk beeswax, ice silk snow beeswax, etc.; in fact, the Middle East is not a place for beeswax, the Arab countries in the Middle East loved beeswax since ancient times, when worn as decorations, even in ancient times they used beeswax as currency circulation. You can buy something. Therefore, most of the antique-grade old beeswax in the domestic market today are mainly from Middle Eastern countries.

  • 2 # 李一龍77

    現在 作假技術比較高 肉眼分辨是有困難的

    大部分 常見的琥珀在飽和食鹽水下都可以浮起來

    像熱針刺 觀察結構等都需要一定經驗 實操性不大

    普通消費者 最簡單的就是 開具證書就好了 比較簡單實用

  • 3 # 小杰影視1


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