  • 1 # 英文小貼士

    你好!初次遇到外華人,我們可以從以下6點做簡單的自我介紹哦! 1. 打招呼(saying hello):初次見面一般我們會先打招呼比如 hello/hi /good morning/afternoon/evening /how are you? 2. 介紹自己(introduction): I am …/my name is … Nice to meet you , can I have your name?/ what is your name ? 3. 家鄉或是居住地(birthplace): I am from…/ I come from …/ I live in ….,what about you ? 4. 職業(vocation): I am a teacher/ student 或是I am a salesman/doctor  / My job is ….這裡可以拓展開來,你可以可以說一下自己的工作職責是什麼,比如說 My job responsibilities are …,聊天過程中你也可以問對方 what do you do /what is your job?“你做什麼工作”? 5. 愛好(hobby): I like …/I enjoy / I am into/ I am interested in…敘說自己的愛好,可以從運動,美食等自己喜歡的事情,比如說 I like playing basketball and doing yoga當然如果你要開啟話題可以問對方 what is your hobby?/ what do you like to do in your free time  6. 結束(ending): Nice talking to you / It was Nice meeting you / Bye / Good bye / see you soon 第一次見面不用緊張,問候先,在慢慢聊對方來自哪裡,平時有什麼愛好,住哪裡,以及對方的職業就可以了,希望以上幾點對你有幫助 ❤️❤️

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