  • 1 # 心若向陽無畏悲傷7369

    頭韻詩就是Alliterative Verse,種類很多,規則也很多。



    The marble maid, under mask of stone

    shook and shuddered. As a shadow streams

    Over the wheat waving, over the woman"s face

    Life came lingering. Nor was it long after

    Down its blue pathways, blood returning

    Moved, and mounted to her maiden cheek.

    寫[魔戒]的J R R Tolkien也在The Lay of Children of Hurin裡寫了很長的一段。


    Wolf Son (現作)

    Baying barking bracken fur, traveling o"er moonlight moor.

    Howling hounds hastening dawn, swift footed with steps so sure.

    Wailing warnings warring screams, home guarded by canine claw.

    Snarling shredding shuddering trees, marking ways that come before.

    Wolf worries wary lore, sons of warriors at death"s door.

    Hunger hunting hurting pride, winter"s wind and snowflakes soar.

    Leaves lashing lonesome pride, new day wolves never more.

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