  • 1 # dadazhu2

    1. It should not surprise us that such an environment has produced a hardy and independent people.


    2. He sets about creating an environment that just doesn"t permit experiment, it encourages it.


    3. The modern conservatory is not an environment for nurturing plants.


    4. To produce deuterium requires an environment of high energy. 為了產生氘,需要一個高能的環境.

    5. She had at last found an environment in which she fitted. 她終於找到了一個理想的環境.

    6. It may be an environment - simulation device such as a centrifuge or electro - mechanical vibrator. 可能是一種環境模擬裝置,如離心機或機電式振動臺.

    7. Do large families make economic sense in an environment of widespread poverty and financial insecurity? 在普遍貧困、收入無保障的環境裡,大家庭有無經濟上的意義?

    8. Now, people is inharmonious in the respect of improving an environment. 現在, 人們在改善環境方面是不協調的.

    9. An environment for setting up schools was formed in society. 社會上颳起興學的風氣.

    10. An environment for creative thinking has to be cultivated. 一、創意思維的產生,必須具備製造這種風氣的環境.

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