  • 1 # 小神算阿門

    The Himalayas (Sanskrit: hima alaya, meaning "land of snow"), the Tibetan word for "home of snow".Located on the southern edge of the qinghai-tibet plateau, it is the world"s highest mountain range, with more than 110 peaks reaching or exceeding 7,350 meters above sea level.It is the natural boundary mountain between the east Asian continent and the south Asian subcontinent, as well as the natural boundary between China and India, Nepal, Bhutan, Pakistan and other countries. It starts from the nanga-parbat peak in Kashmir in the west (8125 meters above sea level), and ends at the great bend of yarlung zangbo river in the east (7782 meters above sea level), with a total length of 2450km and a width of 200-350km

    喜馬拉雅山脈 (梵語:hima alaya,意為雪域),藏語意為“雪的故鄉”。位於青藏高原南巔邊緣,是世界海拔最高的山脈,其中有110多座山峰高達或超過海拔7350米。是東亞大陸與南亞次大陸的天然界山,也是中國與印度、尼泊爾、不丹、巴基斯坦等國的天然國界,西起克什米爾的南迦-帕爾巴特峰(海拔8125米),東至雅魯藏布江大拐彎處的南迦巴瓦峰(海拔7782米),全長2450km,寬200~350km

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