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    pgp,裡面不但有CAD的快捷鍵設定,還有二次開發軟體的簡化命令。各位可以自由編制自己的命令,但最好備份,以防不測,呵呵#####找到C:\Program Files\ACAD2000\SUPPORT\Acad。pgp 然後用寫字板開啟將出現下面的資訊: ?; AutoCAD Program Parameters File For AutoCAD 2000 ? External Command and Command Alias Definitions ? Copyright (C) 1997-1999 by Autodesk, Inc。

    ? Each time you open a new or existing drawing, AutoCAD searches ?; the support path and reads the first acad。

    pgp file that it finds。 ? -- External Commands -- ? While AutoCAD is running, you can invoke other programs or utilities ? such Windows system commands, utilities, and applications。

    ? You define external commands by specifying a command name to be used ? from the AutoCAD command prompt and an executable command string ?; that is passed to the operating system。

    ?; -- Command Aliases -- ? You can abbreviate frequently used AutoCAD commands by defining ?; aliases for them in the command alias section of acad。

    pgp。 ? You can create a command alias for any AutoCAD command, ? device driver command, or external command。 牎? 。。 牎!!?(有省略) ? Exceptions to the rules include AA for Area, T for Mtext, X for Explode。 ? -- Sample aliases for AutoCAD commands -- ? These examples include most frequently used commands。

    ?A, *3DARRAY ?DO, *3DORBIT ?F, *3DFACE ?P, *3DPOLY 燗, *ARC 燗DC, *ADCENTER 燗A, *AREA 犜諫廈嫘畔⒅瀉焐募幢硎駒諉鈽惺淙氳淖址? 即快捷命令。藍色的表示所代表的命令全稱。 牳牡氖比綣馗窗閹玖恕W⒁飪繁匭朧敲睿漢鷗窨俅?*"。 牳漢瘧硎久釷繳柚謾I柰暌歡ㄒ4媯緩籩匭縷舳?/p>

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