  • 1 # 小仙女呀aaaaaaaaaa

    by的用法小結: 1、介詞 prep. 在…旁;靠近 · Our teacher was sitting by the window. 我們的老師正坐在窗戶旁邊。 · Stand by me! 站到我的身旁來! · We spent our holiday by the sea. 我們在海邊度假。 2、 介詞 prep. 經過 · He walked by me without speaking. 他走過我的身旁,沒有說話。 · My brother goes by the building every day. 我弟弟每天從這樓旁走過。 3、介詞 prep. 用;靠;透過 using (showing who or what did something) · I know it by heart. 我把它記在心頭。 · They can read by touch. 他們可以透過手摸來閱讀。 · By getting up early, I can have an hour for reading English in the morning. 靠起得早,我每天早晨有一小時時間閱讀英語。 4、介詞 prep. 不遲於 not later than · I shall be back by 5 o"clock. 最遲五點我一定回來。 · How many English parties had you had by the end of last term? 到上學期末,你們舉行了幾次英語晚會? 5、介詞 prep. 透過;沿著 through; along; over · We came through the fields, not by the road. 我們是穿過田野而不是沿那條路來的。 · to send a letter by post 透過郵局寄信 6、介詞 prep. (表示作者)被;由 word that shows the author, painter, etc. · Thirty divided by two is fifteen. 三十除以二得十五。

    擴充套件資料:by 英 [baɪ],美 [baɪ]    prep. 靠近;透過;被;經由;不遲於adv. 經過;在旁邊;靠近例句:The house by the lake is a restaurant.翻譯:湖邊的那座房子是家飯店。短語:1、by air 坐飛機2、by all accounts 據說;根據報道3、by all appearances 顯然;外表上4、by all manner of means 用一切手段;好的;當然5、by all means 用一切手段;好的;當然

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