  • 1 # szdzn30724

      意思:同…比賽  相關的短語如下:  play off against one another 搬弄是非  play off against 使對抗  play each against the other 另針對每個播放 ; 其他各對戰 ; 發揮每個對其他  例句:  (1)Play against yourself or someone else.  自己玩或者和朋友一起。  (2)Unlike Far Cry, which also allows you to play against the computer, CS requiresthat you connect to a game server and play with many other people in a war-likesetting.  與《孤島驚魂》那種人機對抗的遊戲不同,CS屬於多人網路遊戲,需要玩家連上游戲伺服器,和其他人在戰爭場景下共同進行遊戲。  (3)So I have the same tennis as before, and I think I can play against him with mybest form, of course.   所以,我依然能夠打出像以前一樣的網球。我想以我的最佳狀態我依然可以和費德勒相抗衡。

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