A breeze blew through the room, blowing curtains in at one end and out the other like pale flags, twisting them up towards the frosted wedding-cake of the ceiling, and then curtains were rippled over the wine-colored rug, making a shadow on it as wind does on the sea.
A breeze blew curtains in at one end and out the other like pale flags.A breeze twisted them up towards the frosted wedding-cake of the ceiling. curtains were rippled over the wine-colored rug, making a shadow on it as wind does on the sea.
A breeze blew through the room, blowing curtains in at one end and out the other like pale flags, twisting them up towards the frosted wedding-cake of the ceiling, and then curtains were rippled over the wine-colored rug, making a shadow on it as wind does on the sea.
frosted wedding-cake of the ceiling
A breeze blew curtains in at one end and out the other like pale flags.A breeze twisted them up towards the frosted wedding-cake of the ceiling. curtains were rippled over the wine-colored rug, making a shadow on it as wind does on the sea.現在你明白了“非謂語動詞”對於句子的簡化,從而提高句子表達效率的作用了吧。
being的用法? without being supervised?
英語思維 解密語法的原理黑與白:什麼是動詞原形?黑與白:非謂語動詞的起源英語思維:英語為什麼存在 There be 句型英語思維:介詞 in on at 間的本質區別英語思維:賽門喵你無恥的抄襲可以休止了