  • 1 # 羽諾池唯

      The Three Garridebs  In an instant he had pulled out a gun from an inside pocket and had fired two shots. I felt a sudden hot tearing pain,as if a red-hot iron had been pressed against the top of my leg.There was a crash as Holmes"s gun came down on Evans"s head. I saw the man lying on the floor with blood running down his face,while Holmes searched him for weapons.Then my friends"s thin but strong arms were roung me and he was leading me to a chair.  "You"re not hurt,Watson?Oh,please say that you"re not hurt!"  I did not mind the wound---I would not have minded many wounds---for if I had not been hit I should never have known the extraordinary loyalty and love that Holmes felt for me---feelings which he always hid under his cold outward manner. For a moment I saw tears in those clear,hard eyes of his;and the firm lips were shaking.I suddenly realised that Holmes had a great heart as well as a great mind.That moment of realisation was my reward for years of humble service.  說時遲那時快,他抽出一支手槍就放了兩槍。我覺得大腿上一熱,就象燒紅的烙鐵貼在  肉上一樣。接著只聽咔嚓一響,福爾摩斯用手槍砸中他的腦袋,我見他臉上淌著血趴在地  上,福爾摩斯搜去他身上的武器。然後我朋友的結實的胳臂伸過來摟住我,扶我坐到椅上。  “沒傷著吧,華生?我的上帝,你沒傷著吧?”  當我知道在這表面冷冰的臉後面是有著多麼深的忠實和友愛時,我覺得受一次傷,甚至  受多次傷也是值得的。他那明亮堅強的眼睛有點溼潤了,那堅定的嘴唇有點顫抖。這是僅有  的一次機會,使我看見他不僅有偉大的頭腦,而且有偉大的心靈。我這麼多年的微末而忠心  的服務,有這一點感受也就知足了。  “沒事兒.福爾摩斯。擦了一點皮。”  他用小刀割開我的褲子。  “你說得很對,"他放心地喊了一聲,“是表皮受傷。"他把鐵石般的臉轉向俘虜,那犯  人正茫然地坐起來。“算你走運。要是你傷害了華生,你不用打算活著離開這間屋子。你還  有什麼說的?”

  • 中秋節和大豐收的關聯?
  • 除了狗糧之外,貴賓犬還能吃什麼?