  • 1 # 來自德瑪西亞的巫妖王

    1. 一般事實

      If we succeed, what will the people say?

      Suppose it rains, what shall we do?

      Persevere(堅持) and you’ll succeed.

      2. 虛擬條件句

      If I were you, I would go.

      If you had seen it, you would have been moved.

      3. 反條件句

      Unless you try, you’ll never succeed.

      Don’t move, or/else/otherwise I’ll shot.

      4. 唯一條件句

      If only I have another chance, I shall do better.

      Only in this way can we learn English well.

      So/As long as we don’t lose heart, we’ll succeed.

      5. 推論條件句

      Since that is so, there is no more to say.

      Now that you are grown up, you must stop this behavior.

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