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    第二,喜歡白色的食物, 如白米,白水餃、白饅頭,白花捲,白麵條;相反,雜糧,雜糧面水餃,雜糧面饅頭,雜糧面花捲,黑芝麻糊,黑色醬油,一口不吃。各種肉類都吃,特喜歡雞肉。雞蛋,喜歡煮著吃,不太喜歡炒著吃。魚類,不挑;菜類,老媽最愛吃的白菜粉條,豆角(架豆王)。喜歡吃大蒜,但辣椒,卻不喜歡吃。


    My 97-year-old mother"s lifestyle - diet

    I"m in the middle of an epidemic, my community is still closed, and I have time to write.

    It"s been six months since last year when I brought my mom to my house.I"ve been watching mom"s diet in the north.

    First of all, water, mom only drink hot water, nothing else to drink.No cold water, no drink, no wine.She must drink hot water before eating.Therefore, I must keep the thermos always full of water.

    Second, like white food, such as white rice, white dumplings, white steamed bread, white rolls, white noodles;On the contrary, coarse grain, coarse grain flour dumplings, coarse grain flour steamed buns, coarse grain flour rolls, black sesame paste, black soy sauce, do not eat a bite.I eat all kinds of meat, especially chicken.Eggs, like to eat boiled, do not like to eat Fried.Fish, no choice;Dishes, mom"s favorite cabbage noodles, beans (beans king).Like to eat garlic, but pepper, but do not like to eat.

    This year, although already 97 years old, walk normally, oneself eat, dress, in addition to cook, boil water, did not let mom to do, other, all do by oneself;Moreover, the ear is not deaf, the eye is bright.Cooking, boiling water, electricity, gas, worry about insecurity, did not let mom to do.Wish, mother live 100 years old!

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