  • 1 # 狼跡地崖







    The S&P 500 plunged by more than 7% just after markets opened on Thursday, triggering a temporary "circuit-breaker" trading halt for 15 minutes as the massive coronavirus-induced sell-off wages on.

    標準普爾500指數在週四開盤後暴跌超過7%,觸發了暫時的“熔斷機制”。交易暫停15分鐘,因為大量的冠狀病毒導致的拋售。 與此同時,道瓊斯工業股票平均價格指數開盤下跌超過1,690點,跌幅超過7%。納斯達克指數在週四交易時段的頂部下跌了7%以上。 上午10點前恢復交易。美國股市繼續下跌。

    在此之前,美國總統川普星期三晚間宣佈,美國將在未來30天內禁止某些人從歐洲前往美國,並呼籲採取一系列刺激措施,以減輕新冠肺炎流感對經濟造成的副作用。 他的措施似乎只會加劇投資者對新型冠狀病毒爆發的金融影響的焦慮。 冠狀病毒大流行已使股市進入熊市,隨著美國有效地按下經濟的“暫停”按鈕,股市將進一步下跌。

    為了控制病毒的傳播而採取的節約措施。據Bankrate的首席金融分析師格雷格·麥克布萊德稱。“是的,將會出現經濟混亂和幾乎肯定會出現的衰退。” “毫無疑問,市場將會過度下跌,因此對投資者來說,保持他們的長期觀點比以往任何時候都重要。”他補充說。市場會比整體經濟更快、更快地復甦,而你不可能當這種情況發生時,我們袖手旁觀。

    Meanwhile, the Dow Jones Industrial Average opened down by more than 1,690 points, or more than 7%. The Nasdaq fell by more than 7% at the top of Thursday"s trading session.

    When trading resumed just before 10 a.m., markets continued to fall.

    The sharp sell-off comes after President Donald Trump announced late Wednesday that the U.S. was enacting a ban on certain travel from Europe to the U.S. for the next 30 days and called for a series of stimulus measures to blunt the economic side effects of the virus.

    His measures appeared to only heighten investors" anxiety over the financial impacts of the novel coronavirus outbreak.

    "The coronavirus pandemic has taken the stock market into bear market territory and further declines are in the offing as the U.S. effectively hits the "Pause" button on the economy in an effort to curtail spread of the virus," according to Greg McBride, the chief financial analyst at Bankrate. "Yes, there will be economic disruption and an all-but-certain recession."

    "Markets will undoubtedly overshoot to the downside so it is more important than ever for investors to maintain their long-term perspective," he added. "Markets will recover sooner, and much faster, than the overall economy and you cannot be sitting on the sidelines when that happens

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