  • 1 # maimi32709

      be foundof 被發現的  

    1."Unless a waycan be found of making this climate-compatible, we can never meet our climate objectives, regardless of what action we take in europe," it added.  “除非可以找到一種使這種情況與氣候可相容的方法,要不然我們永遠也不可能實現我們的氣候目標,儘管我們在歐洲採取行動”,報告中還說。  

    2.Perhapsthe best hope for the future of mankind is that ways will be found of increasingthe scope and intensity ofsympathy.  或許對人類未來最好的期望是發現一條增加人與人之間同情心的深度和廣度的辦法。  

    3.The unspoken assumption was that,if only one or two had jibbed at the text, some way would be found of getting them to vote again and say yes.  言外之意是,要是有一兩個國家反對,總有辦法能讓他們再投票並同意。  

    4.It may be some time before I return to mynative land, but I shall always follow the fortunes of the british race and empire with profound interest, and if at any time in the future I can be found of service to his majesty in a private station I shall not fail.  恐怕還要過些時日才會回到家鄉,但我會一直密切關心不列顛民族和帝國的命運,將來有朝一日若能以私人身份對國王陛下有效勞的機會,我將義不容辭。  

    5.Heasserts that since philosophical questions are formulated in words, if the limits of language can be found, the limits can also be found of what philosophical questions can be asked and answered.  他還斷言道,既然哲學問題是由詞語構成的,那麼如果找到語言的極限,那也就意味著我們能找到提出和回答哲學問題的極限。

  • 中秋節和大豐收的關聯?
  • 委內瑞拉反對派領袖瓜伊多的議員司法豁免權被剝奪,這是要抓捕瓜伊多的前奏嗎?