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      是同類詞。   height是身高的意思,age是年齡的意思;   height   [英][haɪt][美][haɪt]   n.身高; 高度,海拔; 高地; 絕頂,頂點;   複數:heights   例句:   

    1、Her weight is about normal for her height.   按她的身高,她的體重基本正常。   

    2、At 84, her erect posture accentuates her height.   84歲的伊梅爾達直立在那裡,更加突顯她的身高。   

    3、The wave here has a length of 250 feet and a height of 10 feet.   這裡的浪有250英尺寬10英尺高。   age   [英][eɪdʒ][美][edʒ]   n.年齡; 時代; 老年; 年齡段;   vt.& vi.(使)長大; 使顯老; 使變老; 使蒼老;   vi.[化學]老化; 陳化,熟化; (吸毒者隨年齡增長而主動)戒毒,戒除毒品;   vt.[化學]使老化; 使陳化; 使熟化; 估計,推測(馬的年齡);   第三人稱單數:ages   複數:ages   現在進行時:agingageing   過去式:aged   過去分詞:aged   例句:   1、I admired him for being so confident at his age.   我欽佩他這般年紀就如此自信。   2、The company was to be held in trust for Eddie until he came of age.   在埃迪達到法定年齡之前,該公司將委託他人代為經營。   3、Because she was under age, her parents were still responsible for her.   因為她還未成年,她的父母仍然應為她負責。

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