  • 1 # 與君論史

    Mhh, psychotic barney Mika rap 神經病的瘋人米卡說唱

    It is what it is, now I’m popular b#tch 就是這樣 現在我是那個受歡迎的壞女孩(Mika)Standing on the field with your pretty pompons 站在球場上 拿著你漂亮的絨球

    Now you’re working at the movie selling popular corn 現在你在電影院賣著爆米花

    I could have been a mess but I never went wrong 我可能很糟糕 但是我從沒走錯路

    Cause I’m putting down my story in a popular song 因為我把我的故事放在一首流行歌曲裡

    (Ariana Grande)Mhh, ahh, ooh said I’m putting down my story in a popular song 說過我把我的故事放在一首流行歌曲裡

    [Chorus]My problem, I never was a model, 我的問題 我從未做過模特

    I never was a scholar, 我從未做過學者

    You were singing, all the songs I don’t know 你唱著歌 所有歌曲我都不知道

    Now you’re in the front row 現在你坐在前排

    It’s not about who you are or your fancy car 跟你是誰 或者 你的高檔汽車沒有關係

    You’re only ever who you were 你永遠還是你

    And all that you have to do, is be true to you 你所要做得只是 做真正的自己

    That’s all you ever need to know 你只需要知道這點

    Catch up, cause you got an awful long way to go 跟上 因為你還有很長一段距離Catch up, cause you got an awful long way to go 跟上 因為你還有很長一段距離(Mika)I was on the lookout for someone to hate 我是那個招人恨的人

    Picking on me like a dinner plate 把我當晚餐盤子那樣挑剔

    I"d hit during classes, and in between them 我在課堂上被夾在他們之間攻擊

    Dunk me in the toilet sounds you that cleans "em 把我丟在馬桶 聽起來你會清理他們

    (Ariana Grande)You tried to make me feel bad with the sh#t you do 你試著用你的所作所為讓我難受

    It ain’t so funny when the joke’s on you 如果玩笑是開在你身上的話就沒那麼好笑了

    Ooh, the joke’s on you 玩笑是開在你身上的話

    And everyone’s laughing, got everyone clapping, asking 每個人笑著 拍著手 問著How come you look so cool? 你為什麼看起來那麼酷

    Cause that’s the only thing that I learnt at school 因為那是我在學校裡學到的唯一東西

    (laughs) What? Aha, mmhh 什麼?So that’s the only thing I’ve learned at school 因為那是我在學校裡學到的唯一東西

    [Chorus]My problem, I never was a model, 我的問題 我從未做過模特

    I never was a scholar, 我從未做過學者

    You were singing, all the songs I don’t know 你唱著歌 所有歌曲我都不知道

    Now you’re in the front row 現在你坐在前排

    It’s not about who you are or your fancy car 跟你是誰 或者 你的高檔汽車沒有關係You’re only ever who you were 你永遠還是你

    And all that you have to do, is be true to you 你所要做得只是 做真正的自己

    That’s all you ever need to know 你只需要知道這點

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