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    Thousand Origami Cranes (千羽鶴 Senbazuru,Zenbazuru) is a group of one thousand origami paper cranes (折鶴 orizuru) held together by strings. 千紙鶴[也叫千羽鶴,也稱Senbazuru, Zenbazuru) 意思是悄悄地摺紙鶴]用一千隻紙鶴串成一串。An ancient Japanese legend promises that anyone who folds a thousand origami cranes will be granted a wish by the gods. 日本一個古老的傳說中的許諾說,任何一個折了一千隻紙鶴的人將獲得神靈的賜與去實現一個願望。Some stories believe you are granted happiness and eternal good luck, instead of just one wish, such as long life or recovery from illness or injury. 有些故事相信這並非僅僅是一個簡單的願望,而是你會走好運和得到幸福,祝福人們長壽或祈禱受傷者或病人早日康復。This makes them popular gifts for special friends and family. 這也使得千紙鶴作為給特別朋友和家人的禮物而大受歡迎。

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