  • 1 # 湯圓電影Vlog

      will you be there  超棒的一首歌,是邁給歌迷寫的,看看歌詞  Hold Me (抱著我)  Like The River Jordan(就像約旦河)  And I Will Then Say To Thee (然後我將對你說)  You Are My Friend (你是我的朋友)  Carry Me(支撐我)  Like You Are My Brother (就像你是我的兄弟)  Love Me Like A Mother (愛我,像一個母親)  Will You Be There? (你會在那裡嗎?)  Weary (疲倦時)  Tell Me Will You Hold Me (告訴我你能否支援我)  When Wrong, Will You Skold Me(錯誤時你會責怪我嗎?)  When Lost Will You Find Me? (當我迷路,你會尋找我嗎?)  But They Told Me (但是他們告訴我)  A Man Should Be Faithful (男人必須可靠)  And Walk When Not Able (在不能行走時行走)  And Fight Till The End (在最後的最後戰鬥)  But I"m Only Human (但是我只是一個凡人)  Everyone"s Taking Control Of Me (每人都在尋求控制我)  Seems That The World"s Got A Role For Me (看上去我在這世界中有一個角色)  I"m So Confused (我是那麼困惑)  Will You Show To Me(你能否向我展示?)  You"ll Be There For Me( 你會為我而守侯嗎?)  And Care Enough To Bear Me (並且關懷地容忍我嗎?)  (Hold Me)(支援我)  (Lay Your Head Lowly)(低下你的頭)  (Softly Then Boldly)(溫柔並且大膽)  (Carry Me There) (在那裡支撐我)  (Lead Me)(帶我前進)  (Love Me And Feed Me)(愛我並且餵養我)  (Kiss Me And Free Me) (吻我並讓我自由)  (I Will Feel Blessed) (我會感受到福佑)  (Carry)(支撐)  (Carry Me Boldly) (大膽的支撐我)  (Lift Me Up Slowly)(輕輕的舉起我)  (Carry Me There)(在那裡支撐我)  (Save Me)(拯救我)  (Heal Me And Bathe Me) (治癒我並且沐浴我)  (Softly You Say To Me) (你輕聲對我說)  (I Will Be There) (我會在那裡)  (Lift Me)(舉起我)  (Lift Me Up Slowly)(輕輕的舉起我)  (Carry Me Boldly)(大膽的支撐我)  (Show Me You Care)(向我展示你的細心)  (Hold Me)(支援我)  (Lay Your Head Lowly)(低下你的頭)  (Softly Then Boldly)(溫柔並且大膽)  (Carry Me There) (在那裡支撐我)  (Need Me)(需要我)  (Love Me And Feed Me)(愛我並且餵養我)  (Kiss Me And Free Me) (吻我並讓我自由)  (I Will Feel Blessed) (我會感受到福佑)  In Our Darkest Hour In My Deepest Despair  Will You Still Care? Will You Be There?  In My Trials And My Tribulations  Through Our Doubts And Frustrations  In My Violence In My Turbulence  Through My Fear And My Confessions  In My Anguish And My Pain  Through My Joy And My Sorrow  In The Promise Of Another Tomorrow  I"ll Never Let You Part  For You"re Always In My Heart.  獨白:  在我們最黑暗的時刻,在我最深的絕望中,你仍然會關心麼?  你仍然會在那裡嗎?  在我的考驗與苦難之中,穿過我們的懷疑與失敗,  在我遭受暴力的時候,在我動盪不安的時候,  穿越我的恐懼和自白,在我的虛弱與痛苦中,  穿過我的歡樂與我的悲傷,對你許下另一個明天的承諾。  我將永遠不會讓你離去,因為你永遠在我心中  最後一段是mj的獨白,說的時候是哭著說的  我很喜歡邁,他的歌都很好,也希望你能多瞭解瞭解他,消除對他的誤解,去聆聽他的音樂,呵呵

  • 中秋節和大豐收的關聯?
  • 我明天要去做乳腺結節微創手術了,有點害怕,有做過的朋友嗎?