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    Blood donation in my eyes is the dedication, is the noble life-saving act. The blood of volunteers his selfless dedication to the community, to the patients, and blood donors who completed the offering of blood left in silence after. Their sacrifice themselves to help others in the noble spirit of our good example. Although there is no return blood donation, but it is a life-long honor, the community and people will respect and love. Blood donation is the embodiment of love and dedication, blood donation is a manifestation of the community Thanksgiving, blood donation is a life-saving feat. Do you want to influence the lives of the community? Willing to offer you another point of compassion? Blood donation, from my start! Selfless dedication in the nation in the rise of the blood of life in the Pentium rolling! We have to act, for the blood out of a force! Now, because of excessive bleeding tens of thousands of people die, so society emerged out of a group of blood donors, who are good like, we pay tribute to the brave and selfless donors. Blood donation in my eyes, not terrible, so "blood harmful to health, just a little courage." Blood is a symbol of life, blood donation is a sign of civilization and progress. I believe that the efforts of everyone in the community initiative, we can do better! 我眼中的無償獻血,就是無私奉獻,就是救死扶傷的崇高行為。志願者們將自己的血液無私奉獻給了社會,給了病人,而獻血者們,在獻完血後就默默地離開了。他們這種犧牲自己,去幫助別人的崇高精神,是我們的好榜樣。無償獻血雖然沒有回報,但是卻是終身的榮譽,會得到社會和人民的尊重和愛戴。獻血是愛心奉獻的體現,獻血是感恩社會的體現,獻血是拯救生命的壯舉。你們想為社會做點貢獻嗎?你們願為他人獻點愛心嗎?獻血,從我做起!民族在無私的奉獻中崛起,生命在奔騰的熱血裡綿延!我們大家要行動起來,為獻血出一份力!現在因為失血過多而死亡的人成千上萬,於是社會湧現出了一群一群的獻血者,他們都是好樣的,我們向勇敢無私的獻血者致敬。我眼中的無償獻血,並不可怕,所以“獻血無損健康,只需小小勇氣。” 熱血是生命的標誌,無償獻血是文明進步的標誌。我相信,在大家的努力下,在社會的倡導下,我們一定能做得更好!

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